
Through each of the five programs below, we attract, create, and retain quality jobs and businesses, support community leadership and community events, and advance the Copper Corridor’s economic development.

Tourism Development & Marketing

Tourism continues to be one of the main focus areas for the CCEDC. To ensure that the needs and voices of the entire region are heard, the CCEDC Executive Director conducts three to five meetings per year of the regional tourism team.

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Copper Communities Supplier Portal

The Copper Communities Supplier Portal is a web-based business directory and business connection service website which connects local merchants, service providers, retailers and service providers with procurement staff at Resolution Copper. One of the primary goals of this project is to have the other local mines and local governments using this site to source their goods and services.

Copper Communities Food Hub & Local Food Development

The CCEDC is working to help Copper Corridor residents have additional local options both in small-scale agricultural income generation and the ability to buy locally produced groceries. This program has transitioned from a study project to an implementation program. The goals of this program is to connect local food growers and culinary artisans to the local marketplace and create additional access to fresh foods to local residents.

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Blight Remediation & Housing

Housing repairs and Blight Mitigation are two areas that the CCEDC has found a successful niche to support the Copper Corridor region. The CCEDC fully anticipates maintaining this program. Focus Areas include:

Maintain a contractor liaison to work directly with local residents & USDA to process 504 Housing repair applications and loans. Connecting local communities to additional resources to combat blight and support housing rehab services.
Develop and maintain a listing of local contractors and vendors that are available to work on homes. This helps to keep this funding local.

Support to Low Income Seniors for USDA Grants & Loans

The Copper Corridor Economic Development Coalition provides support to low-income seniors in the Copper Corridor communities to first, help them see if they appear to qualify for USDA 504 grants and loans. If they appear to qualify, the CCEDC will help with the application process and act as a liaison with the USDA official that works with the program. See this flyer for the basic information on the USDA 504 grant and loan program.

Leadership Development & Regional Collaboration

The ongoing success throughout the Copper Corridor, will be dependent on building strong networks, ensuring regional communication and growing a base of leaders across the region. Focus area includes:

  • Conducting the 2019 Valle del Sol Hispanic Leadership Academy (HLI-Copper Corridor)
  • Hosting one Valle del Sol HLI-Copper Corridor Reunion
  • Hosting a minimum of two Rural by Choice Forums (Topics determined following Rural Policy Forum & needs of region)

Hispanic Leadership Institute

The Hispanic Leadership Institute-Copper Corridor in launched in 2015, and has received support from the CCEDC since that time. Both the mayors of Globe and Superior are graduates of the Hispanic Leadership Institute-Copper Corridor program.